Number 11 / 2014
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Pervov A. G.
Anniversary of a whole generation of research workers
В 2014 г. научная общественность отмечает 100-летние юбилеи крупнейших ученых – основателей специальности и отрасли науки водоснабжения и водоотведения. Это Сергей Васильевич Яковлев, Даниил Максимович Минц, Лев Федорович Мошнин, Виталий Абрамович Клячко, Дмитрий Николаевич Смирнов, Николай Петрович Фрог.
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Neparidze R. Sh.
The lay of the Teacher – Daniil Maksimovich Mints
7 октября 2014 г. исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения ДАНИИЛА МАКСИМОВИЧА МИНЦА, доктора технических наук, профессора, выдающегося советского ученого в области коммунального водного хозяйства.
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ROZHKOV A. N., Shevelev A. F.
Sacred to the memory of the Teacher Lev Fedorovich Moshnin – a distinguished research worker in the field of water supply
Недавно научная общественность отметила 100-летний юбилей ЛЬВА ФЕДОРОВИЧА МОШНИНА – одного из крупнейших ученых в области водоснабжения, доктора технических наук, профессора, заслуженного деятеля науки и техники РФ.
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Pervov A. G.
Vitalii Abramovich Kliachko – the founder of the national scholar school in the field of water treatment and desalination
В 2014 г. исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения ВИТАЛИЯ АБРАМОВИЧА КЛЯЧКО – выдающегося ученого, специалиста в области очистки и опреснения воды, одного из основателей отечественной научной школы опреснения.
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Golovatyi E. I.
Dmitrii Nikolaevich Smirnov – a research worker in the field of instrumentation and automation of natural and waste water treatment
10 октября 2014 г. исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения ДМИТРИЯ НИКОЛАЕВИЧА СМИРНОВА, доктора технических наук, профессора, основателя лаборатории «Автоматизация систем водоснабжения и канализации» ВНИИ ВОДГЕО.
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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711
Seliukov Aleksandr, Baikova Ida
Underground water conditioning for utility and drinking water supply of oil refinery producing area
The results of experimental studies of conditioning underground water containing high iron concentrations for utility and drinking water supply of oil refinery producing area are presented. At the first stage the exact values of underground water pH and redox potential of the medium were defined in order to evaluate the potential of using different deironing-demanganation processes. A specially designed flow-through temperature-controlled cell was used for measurements. The comprehensive technology of chemical treatment developed earlier for conditioning underground water at the Tumen North here again ensures the standard quality of drinking water. In the process of removing iron and manganese from water with simultaneous stabilization the chemicals having RF certificates for drinking water supply are used: hydrogen peroxide (GOST 177-88), potassium permanganate (ANSI/AWWA 603-88 standard) and caustic soda (GB 5175-2008 standard). The use of stabilization treatment provides for the elimination of secondary pollution with iron in the distribution network. Separation of insoluble reaction products was carried out by filtration through granular bed (quartz sand of 0.5–1.2 mm fraction). The obtained correlations between redox potential and chemical dosages allow to automatize the dosing process. In this case the technology provides for the residual concentration of iron and manganese less than 0.1 mg/l in drinking water. As an additional effect the technology ensures reducing the concentration of pollutants of technogenic origin– anionic surfactants (75%) and oil products (90%). Thereby the residual concentration meets the standard for bottled water. On the basis of the carried out tests the Process regulations for designing facilities for underground water conditioning of 4800 m3/day capacity were developed.
Key words
deferrization , ground water , demanganization , stabilization treatment , removal of technogenic pollutants
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UDC 628.356
Kevbrina M. V., Belov N. A., Akmentina A. V., Ostapenko R. V.
The efficiency of aeration systems at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities under field operating conditions
Aeration systems of aeration tanks are key elements of the wastewater treatment facilities. The main task in operating different types of aeration systems is ensuring high efficient atmospheric oxygen utilization at low energy consumption. The specialists of R&D Centre of «Mosvodokanal» JSC investigated the results of the long-term operation of the aeration systems at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities under field operating conditions. The dependence of the aeration system efficiency on the ratio of surface areas of aerated zone and aeration tank; the air flow rate through one aerator at different options of aerators layout along the aeration tank length was studied. Regulating specific air consumption in the aeration tank zones provides for the optimal use of the available oxidation potential of the facilities without increasing aeration expenses or decreasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment. It was stated that when designing and choosing aeration systems it is necessary to find a balance between the surface area of the aerated zone in the aeration tank and efficiency of the aeration system. It was shown that when introducing nitrification-denitrification technologies without increasing capital and operating expenses for purchasing and maintaining mixing and aeration equipment both short-term and long-term shutdown of the aerators is possible to provide for alternate aeration without any efficiency loss. Perennial studies of the aeration systems produced by different manufacturers showed that the efficiency of the aeration systems during long-term operation is reduced by 25% of the design value. Therefore when choosing and designing an aeration system the reduction of the aeration system efficiency during the operation at the existing treatment facilities shall be taken into account aside from the required number of aerators and their layout.
wastewater , biological treatment , aeration tank , activated sludge , aeration system , efficiency of oxygen transfer
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UDC 628.212.2
Ganbarov E. S., GULIEV F. S.
Municipal surface runoff treatment in Baku
A number of problems related to establishing a centralized system of surface runoff treatment from built-up areas by the example of Baku under the conditions of the regulated inflow with the restoration of the functions of the operating separate wastewater disposal system are considered. A process flow scheme of the centralized treatment of surface runoff with placing treatment facilities in two locations has been developed. The location of one of the treatment plants is planned near the Azerbaijan Bay; it is designed for chemical free treatment by sedimentation and filtration of surface runoff from a group of sewers in the central part of the city in case of using part of the effluent for the municipal landscape irrigation; in case of discharging the effluent into the sea chemical treatment is applied. The second plant is planned to build outside the city on the basis of the operating treatment facilities of Zykh community with subsequent tertiary effluent treatment at the municipal treatment facilities. The efficiency of the basic elements of the surface runoff treatment and tertiary treatment scheme at the first plant was studied on the basis of the experimental tests of sedimentation and tertiary treatment by filtration through floating foamed polystyrene bed. Upgrade and re-equipment of the wastewater disposal systems is one of the most complicated engineering tasks focused on improving the environmental situation and protecting the municipal coastland from pollution with surface runoff. Establishing the scheme of surface runoff removal and treatment from the built-up Baku area with installing trunk storm sewers, separation chambers and regulating tanks will provide at last for the solution of the most important environmental problem.
Key words
storm sewers , trunk sewer , surface runoff , filtration , treatment facilities
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UDC 628.336.57
KOZLOV M. N., Bogomolov M. V., Kevbrina M. V., Agarev Anton
The efficiency of enhancing wastewater sludge digestion
The results of experimental studies of enhancing wastewater sludge digestion as applied to the process flow scheme of the Kur’ianovskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities are presented. The specialists of the R&D Centre of «Mosvodokanal» JSC tested in the laboratory and calculated the economic efficiency of three options of digestion enhancement: sludge processing in the process of thermal hydrolysis before digestion; increasing the hydraulic retention time; increasing the solids retention time. The studies were aiming at comparing the efficiency of sludge digestion when using the given technology solutions. Increasing the hydraulic retention time (HRT) is caused by sludge thickening enhancement before digesters. The experience of the Prague wastewater treatment facilities shows that thickening enhancement alone provides for efficiency improving by a few percent. This was confirmed in the process of laboratory experiments in the R&D Centre. Sludge pretreatment before digestion with the purpose of accelerating the hydrolysis of stable organic matter, e. g. thermal hydrolysis, ensures significant enhancement of the entire process by activating the slowest stage of hydrolysis; as a result, the decomposition of ash-free matter and biogas output were increased by 10–30%. However, this type of technology involves high capital expenditures. Increasing the solids retention time (SRT) is achieved by retaining solids in the digester while maintaining the hydraulic retention time (HRT). This can be ensured by retaining or recycling solids to the digester. The technology of sludge recycling serves as an example that provides for the high organic matter decomposition by means of increasing the solids retention time without any significant capital investments. Thus, following the results of the studies the given technology has been accepted as a most cost-effective.
Key words
thermal hydrolysis , wastewater sludges , sludge recirculation , digestion enhancement , decomposition of organic matter