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UDC 628.17.001.4

Butusov M. M.

Zero waste processing of wastewater sludge – production of biocoke


Municipal wastewater sludge has been dominant anthropogenic waste. The problem of its utilization is typical for any city operating a modern system of wastewater treatment. The tasks of optimal sludge utilization have not been solved on the global scale so far. In European practice different, often non-optimal technical solutions depending on the severity of the national environmental standards are applied. In a number of European countries expensive sludge incinerators have been built that provide for thermal utilization of the bulk sludge volume. The generated energy is used in the central heating systems. This technology is considered the most advanced though up to now it has not been supplemented with a cost-efficient and environmentally substantiated technology of processing generated ash. In Russia the bulk of sludge is landfilled; however, the need of developing efficient and environmentally acceptable technology of sludge utilization has become imminent. Pyrolysis is a possible solution of low waste sludge processing with conversion into a useful product – biocoke. The technologies of pyrolysis organic waste processing have a number of advantages over incineration.

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