

UDC 628.1/.2:681.51
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.05

Pokhil Yu. N., Andriianets Petr, Andriianets Anton

25 years of experience in designing a digital system for automatic control of technological processes in water and wastewater management


The main features of using digital technologies in designing an automated process control system (APCS) in order to increase the technological and economic efficiency of Novosibirsk GORVODOKANAL MUE are considered. The basis for the effective operation of an automated process control system is intellect, i. e. a repertoire of knowledge designed in an algorithm and implemented in a program with predefined answers to standard questions established in advance based on experience. The features of improving the intellect and efficiency of the automated process control systems in the structure of the corporate supervisory control system of a water utility (CSCS), which unites the divisions of the enterprise, are described. The technological and economic efficiency of automated process control systems using digitalization are shown through examples.

Key words

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For citation: Pokhil Iu. N., Andriianets P. I., Andriianets A. P. 25 years of experience in designing a digital system for automatic control of technological processes in water and wastewater management. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 4, pp. 30–38. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.04.05. (In Russian).

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