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UDC 628.

TESLA V. G., Rastorguev I. A., Grishek T., Kherlitsius J., Arns J.

Interaction between intraformational treatment and bank filtration in the process of water treatment at the Tungus water intake facilities


In the process of choosing the best available technology of ground water treatment of the Tungus water deposit the preference was given to intraformational treatment at the artificial geochemical barriers. The hydrodynamic calculations show that after the design capacity is reached the main part of the water intake inflow will come with the surface runoff in the form of bank filtrate; thereby the evaluation of the interaction between intraformational treatment and bank filtrate is an urgent task. Various aspects of interaction and mutual effect of the two underground water treatment technologies are considered. Examples of the combined use of the two methods in Russia and abroad are presented. The assessment of the bank filtrate effect on the process parameters of the intraformational treatment is presented. For this purpose the hydraulic and hydrodynamic aspects and changes in the qualitative composition of the mixed water are analyzed.

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