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UDC 628.1.033:543.31

Bashketova N. S., NEFEDOVA E. D.

Current problems of delivering high quality drinking water
to the population of St. Petersburg


The results of studies carried out by the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» and Centre for hygiene and epidemiology within the frames of Work program of water quality process inspection for the purpose of public health monito­ring are presented. Monitoring the quality of drinking water delivered to the population of St. Petersburg and its surroun­dings is carried out for 86 parameters in 174 control points at every stage of water treatment with regularity from daily to monthly. Analytical drinking water quality control was carried out with the use of advanced methods and equipment. To evaluate the efficiency of the measures for delivering epidemiologically safe drinking water to the population an «infectious hepatitis» morbidity rate was introduced. The results of social-hygienic monitoring show sustainable long-term improvement of water quality parameters and the tendency for population morbidity decrease. The following measures for ensuring safe drinking water supply have been developed: introduction of UV drinking water disinfection; use of two-stage drinking water disinfection with the combination of physical and chemical methods; conversion to disinfection with sodium hypochlorite and ammonia sulphate; introduction of water source quality biomonitoring and sorbent dosing systems; construction of an advanced water treatment line. The comprehensive approach to drinking water quality monitoring allowed to develop the Concept of delivering physiologically adequate drinking water to the St. Petersburg population and give an objective estimate of the water supply services with account of the assessment of consumer’s risk and full-value of water.

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  1. Federal’nyi zakon ot 30 marta 1999 g. № 52-FZ «O sanitarno-epidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniia» [52-FZ Federal Law of March 30, 1999 «On sanitary-epidemiological population welfare»]. (In Russian).
  2. Federal’nyi zakon ot 7 dekabria 2011 g. № 416-FZ «O vodosnabzhenii i vodootvedenii» [416-FZ Federal Law of December 7, 2011 «On water supply and wastewater disposal»]. (In Russian).
  3. SanPiN Pit’evaia voda. Gigienicheskie trebovaniia k kachestvu vody tsentralizovannykh sistem pit’evogo vodosnabzheniia. Kontrol’ kachestva. Gigienicheskie trebovaniia k obespecheniiu sistem goriachego vodosnabzheniia (v redaktsii postanovleniia Glavnogo gosudarstvennogo sanitarnogo vracha RF ot 7 aprelia 2009 g. № 20) [SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements to the quality of public drinking water supply. Quality control. Hygienic requirements to hot water supply systems (as defined in the Resolution No. 20 of the RF Chief medical sanitation officer of April 7, 2009)]. (In Russian).
  4. Programma kompleksnogo razvitiia sistem kommunal’noi infrastruktury Sankt-Peterburga po razdelam elektro-, teplo-, vodosnabzhenie, vodootvedenie i ochistka stochnykh vod do 2015 goda [Program of integrated development of the St. Petersburg municipal infrastructure sectors of power-, heat-, and water supply and wastewater disposal till 2015]. Approved by Resolution No. 1270 of October 21, 2008 «On the Program of integrated development of the St. Petersburg municipal infrastructure till 2015». (In Russian).
  5. Programma «Chistaia voda Sankt-Peterburga» na 2011–2025 gody [«Clean water of St. Petersburg» Program for 2011–2025]. Approved by Resolution No. 625 of May 24, 2011 «On the approval of the «Clean water of St. Petersburg» Regional Program for 2011–2025». (In Russian).
  6. SanPiN Pit’evaia voda. Gigienicheskie trebovaniia k kachestvu vody, rasfasovannoi v emkosti. Kontrol’ kachestva [SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements to bottled water quality. Quality control]. (In Russian).

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