

bbk 000000

UDC 628.113.8:504.064.4

Nitsak G. B., Nesterova A. R.

The causes of odor in drinking water during the summer period in Ekaterinburg


The results of studies carried out to determine the causes of odor of biological origin in public water supply of Ekaterinburg during the summer period are presented. The analysis was performed with water samples taken in accordance with the operating programs of in-process water quality monitoring in the public water supply systems during the 2001–2013 vegetative periods. The algae species directly inducing the odor in water were determined. The markers that provide for well-timed responding to the water quality changes were determined. Based on the results of the studies the order of actions during the summer period was introduced at the enterprise that provided for measuring the amount of Planktothrix agardhii with the standard procedure of raw water monitoring and reducing the sampling intervals in case of spotting the trends of the algae amount growing. In case the set marker value is reached the process flow pattern at the treatment facilities is changed to ensure guaranteed elimination of water odor.

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