

bbk 000000

UDC 574.52

Bespalova K. V.

Assessment of the state of water supply sources under the conditions
of anthropogenic eutrophication of water reservoirs


Deterioration of the water quality in water supply sources and amplification of water treatment technologies have been typical pheno­mena under the conditions of anthropogenic eutrophication of water reservoirs. The results of water quality monitoring in the Kuibyshev water reservoir under normal and abnormal weather conditions are presented. The observations were carried out both at fixed and mobile stations with the use of traditional and automated measuring instruments. It was stated that phosphate concentrations in water influenced the rate and duration of algae growth (water bloom). On the basis of the observations in an abnormally hot year the prediction of the ecological state of the water reservoir under the conditions of global warming in the Lower Volga watershed is made. It is shown that under the conditions of excess nutrient load and global temperature increase the state of the Kuibyshev water reservoir as a water supply source will deteriorate. The measures are recommended that will provide for reducing the nutrient load in the water reservoir including the development and introduction of regional standards with account for the natural specifics of the given water supply source.

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