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UDC 628.162/.163

Pavlov A. A., Dziminskas Ch. A., Kostyuchenko S. V., Zaytseva S. G.

Modern Technologies of Potable Water Preparation at the Sludinskaya Waterworks of Nizhny Novgorod


It is told about introduction, for the first time in Russia, of modern technologies of preparation of potable water at the Sludinskaya waterworks of Nizhny Novgorod: chlorammonization, ozonization, optimal system of coagulation, UV-disinfection that has allowed to optimize operational costs, to minimize negative by-effects and to provide high quality of potable water.

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Список цитируемой литературы

  1. Драгинский В. Л., Алексеева Л. П. Образование токсичных продуктов при использовании различных окислителей для очистки воды // Водоснабжение и сан. техника. 2002. № 2.
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  4. Kruithof J. C. State of the art of the use of ozonation, UV treatment and related AOP's in Dutch drinking water treatment: CDROM Proceedings World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies, Los-Angeles, USA, August 27-29, 2007, International Ultraviolet Association.
  5. Becker W. C., O'Melia C. R., Patel J. D., Franchi A. Optimizing Ozonation for Turbidity and Organics Removal by Coagulation and Filtration: Poster presented at the AWWA Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, 1995.
  6. Chang S. D., Singer P. C. The Impact of Ozonation on Particle Stability and the Removal of TOC and THM Precursors // JAWWA. 1991. V. 83, №. 3.
  7. Луков А. Н., Макаров Н. П., Найденко В. В. и др. Опыт использования озона для подготовки питьевой воды в Нижнем Новгороде // Водоснабжение и сан. техника. 2001. № 1.
  8. Богомолов М. В., Коверга А. В., Волков С. В. и др. Международный конгресс озоновых и ультрафиолетовых технологий в Лос-Анджелесе // Водоснабжение и сан. техника. 2008. № 4.
  9. Романенко Н. А., Новосильцев Г. И., Недачин А. Е. И др. УФ-излучение и его воздействие на вирусы и цисты простейших // Водоснабжение и сан. техника. 2001. № 12.
  10. Eira T., Veli-Pekka V., Heli H. Long-term Experience of Ozone and UV in Large Waterworks: Case Helsinki Water. CDROM Proceedings World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies, Los-Angeles, USA, August 27-29, 2007, International Ultraviolet Association.
  11. Awad J. UV Disinfection Synergy with Ultrafiltration. CDROM Proceedings 3nd International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies, Wistler, Canada, May 24-27, 2005, International Ultraviolet Association.
    Simultaneous Compliance Guidance Manual For the Long Term 2 and Stage 2 DBP Rules US EPA, 2007.
  12. Burns N., Neemann J., Hulsey R. A., et al. Synergistic Evaluation of Ozone and UV at the Coquitlam Source for Enhanced DBP Control and Cryptosporidium Inactivation. CDROM Proceedings World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies, Los-Angeles, USA, August 27-29, 2007, International Ultraviolet Association.
  13. Sullivan W. G., Kim J. R. Combining UV disinfection with ozonation to comply with LT2ESWTR. Там же.
    Meunier L., Canonica S., Gunten U. Implications of sequential use of UV and ozone for drinking water quality // Water research. May 2006. V. 40, Issue 9.
  14. Jung Y. J., Oh B. S., Kang J. W. Synergistic effect of sequential or combined use of ozone and UV radiation for the disinfection of Bacillus subtilis spores // Water Research. March 2008. V. 42, Issues 6-7.

Показатель    Технология    Снижение
показателя, %
без озона    с озоном    
Окисляемость, мг/л    3,68    3,54    4
Мутность, мг/л    1,1    < 0,58    48
Цветность, град    12    10    17
Остаточный алюминий, мг/л    0,41    < 0,04    90,3
Хлороформ, мг/л    0,0038    < 0,002    45

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