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UDC 628.334

Shchetinin A. I., Marchenko Yu. G.

Up-To-Date Equipment and Facilities for Mechanical Treatment of Wastewater from Coarse-Disperse Admixtures


Up-to-date equipment for wastewater treatment from coarse-disperse admixtures is considered. Designs of screens are described briefly, their advantages and shortcomings are presented. Formulas for calculation of head loss on sreens are presented. Recommendations to install screens with openings not less than 5 mm are made. The comparative analysis of different methods of sand-catchers design shows that the normative time of stay in sand catchers can be extended up to 10 minutes. Literary data treatment has made it possible to obtain formulas offered as a new calculation base for determination of efficiency of horizontal and aerated sand catchers during the designing. Up-to-date equipment for sand collection and removal is considered.

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