Водоснабжение и санитарная техника, номер 08 2011

Number 8 / 2011

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UDC 628.16.065.2

Getmantsev S. V.

System of Selection of Effective Technologies of Natural Water Treatment with the Use of Aluminium-Containing Coagulant


The accumulated experimental data on the use of aluminium-containing coagulants for natural water treatment found a reflection in numerous publications and monographs. The results of these studies make it possible to judge about the efficiency of application of aluminium sulphate and aluminium polyoxychloride for treatment of surface waters of various compositions as well as evaluate the influence of different water quality indicators on the efficiency of the use of coagulants. Data and results of own studies on the use of AQUA-AURAT™ coagulants which make it possible to reveal certain regularities are systematized and generalized. The algorithm of selection of AQUA-AURAT™ coagulants and technologies of their use depending on the quality indicators of natural water and characteristics of coagulants has been developed. The offered system realized in the form of a program module may serve as a practical instrument for selection of a reagent and determination of technological parameters of natural water treatment at existing or newly-designed treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.16.065.2 (282.247.33)

Linevich S. N. , Breus S. A.

Optimization of Coagulation Water Treatment


Results of experimental studies on the electrocoagulation treatment of the Don water for organization of the centralized systems of water supply are presented. The electrocoagulation method of natural water treatment in contrast to the reagent method is more ecological and economically efficient. The studies carried out confirm the reasonability of a wider use of electrocoagulation for tap water treatment.

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UDC 628.16.065.2 (282.247.33)

Linevich S. N. , Breus S. A.

Efficiency of Natural Water Disinfection in the Course of Coagulation Treatment


Results of experimental and theoretical studies of the coagulation treatment of the Don water and monitoring of the concomitant process of its disinfection are presented. The mechanism of separation of algae, bacteria and viruses from water due to their sorption on aluminium hydroxide generated in the course of coagulation is described. The best effect of water disinfection observed during electrocoagulation is 93,8%. The use of this method makes it possible to abandon the primary water disinfection with chlorine, exclude a large-size reagent services and improve the ecological situation in connection with reduction of the volume of the generated sludge (waste of coagulation process).

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UDC 628.16.065.2

Alekseeva L. P.

Influence of Conditions of Formation and Composition of Filter Wash Water on the Process of Their Treatment


Results of the research in filter wash water treatment at different water supply stations are presented. Studies conducted and pre-design technological investigations make it possible to establish that compositions and properties of wash water at various water supply stations vary significantly and depend on the quality of influent water which may vary according to the seasons of the year as well as the technology of its treatment (types and dozes of reagent, operation conditions and conditions of the treatment facilities). It is established, that the efficiency of reagent-free clarification of wash water of various types depends on the content of mineral substances in them. Depending on the type of wash water, flocculants as well as coagulants together with flocculants can be used for their advanced reagent treatment.

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UDC 628.166:628.1.033 (470.61-25)

FESENKO L. N., Ignatenko S. I., Skryabin A. Yu., Fedotov R. V.

Ensuring of Wastelessness and Ecological Compatibility of Technology of Sodium Hypochlorite at the Chlorefs Units


The ways of solving the problem of ensuring of wastelessness and ecological compatibility of the technology of large-tonnage production of sodium hypochlorite at electrolysis stations of high-capacity water treatment facilities are considered. It is shown that for conditioning of water used for preparation of salt solutions the method of acid decarbonization is more preferable as excluding the generation of some accompanying waste water. It is considerably cheaper than the cationite softening and makes it possible to use the salt of any quality. The saturators for preparation of saturated salt solution should be equipped with the washing systems similar to high-rate water supply filters with wash water discharge into the system of treatment and its reuse in the scheme of dissolution.

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UDC 628.162.53:66.081

Skryabin A. Yu., Pedashenko D. D., Bozhko L. N., Popovian G. V.

Influence of Coagulation Treatment of Water on Equilibrium of Carbonic Acid Forms


Results of the determination of stability indexes (a saturation index, emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere) of the Don water using the results of complete chemical analyses of water made by laboratories at water supply stations are presented. On the example of the Rostov water supply system the advantage of the use of coagulants polyDADMAC both independently and together with aluminium polyoxichloride AQUA-AURAT™10 which don’t increase (comparing with traditional treatment with aluminum sulphate) the corrosive activity of treated water and don’t favour the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is shown.

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Boychuk S. N.

Municipal Unitary Enterprise Syktyvkar Vodokanal: 80 Years!




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UDC 628.113:624.131.41

Fomina V. F.

Water Humus Composition of the Vychegda River at Water Intake Site of the City of Syktyvkar


The Vychegda river is the main source of water supply for Syktyvkar. The water is characterized by low turbidity and high color, it contains ferrum and has low alkalinity and mineralization. During the autumn-winter period the water delivered to treatment facilities has a temperature of below 1 ºC. The swampiness of the river basin has an essential influence on water humus forming. The composition of humic substances adding the color to water is studied. It is defined, that fulvic acids compose the substantial part of humic substances. Color indices values for the main fractions of humic substances are defined. The influence of a seasonal composition and properties of humic substances and temperature conditions on water coagulation is proved.

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UDC 628.161:536.22

Fomina V. F.

Features of Coagulation of Low Turbid, Color Water of the Vychegda Under Conditions of Low Temperature


Results of the reagent treatment of low turbid and color water of the Vychegda for the purpose of selection of the efficient method of its clarification is presented. The process of coagulation is characterized by the formation of small, poorly settling flakes. Low temperatures of water require increasing the optimal doses of coagulant almost two times and the optimal doses of flocculant more than two times. It is shown, that the water discoloration up to 5–10 degrees and its maximal clarification are achieved in and around of optimal pH values. The empirical dependences of a coagulant’s dose on influent water color with due regard for its temperature are given. The efficiency of low temperature water treatment depends substantively on flocculation process, the duration of which multiplies several times during the periods of water's low temperatures. Under these circumstances the pressure flotation is the most reasonable and efficient method of clarification.

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