Number 9, part 1, 2011.

Number 9-1 / 2011

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Energy Efficiency and Modernization – Solutions for a Small Vodokana




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The Longer the Distance, the Stronger the Will





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UDC 628.31:577.472

KOZLOV M. N., Rubin A. B., Shchegolkova N. M., Matorin D. N., Shashkina P. S., Osipov V. A.

Fluorescence Methods of Monitoring the Process of Obtaining the Biomass from Microalgae


The development of domestic wastewater treatment technologies with the use of photoautotrophs up to the present moment was restrained by the lack of methods of processing the biomass obtained. In recent years there has been an active development of such technologies. The advantages of microalgae over the other sources of biomass are enormous: the highest productivity and the capability to treat water for biogenic elements up to the quality of the cleanest water bodies. Specialists of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal and M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University have studied the process of obtaining the microalgae biomass on wastewater using the up-to-date fluorescence methods. The dependence of chlorophyll a and algae biomass on the fluorescence index F0 and the biomass increment on the Fv/Fm. parameter has been detected in the laboratory photobioreactor.

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UDC 628.112.23:628.147.22

Karmalov A. I., Filimonova S. V.

Analysis of Сauses of Colmatage and Corrosion of Water-Intake Well Equipment under Conditions of Increased Anthropogenic Load


In the course of operation of water intakes from underground sources the problems associated with the processes of fouling and corrosion of the metal equipment of artesian wells inevitably increase. The intensity of deposit formation and corrosion development on the well equipment depends on the well output, the chemical composition of ground water, the presence of methane-producing and other bacteria generating an extremely active corrosion medium. Monitoring of the chemical composition and microbiological analysis of ground water make it possible to identify the causes of colmatage and corrosion of metal-containing elements of the wells under the conditions of the increased anthropogenic load, which further facilitates the selection of methods of struggle against these phenomena.

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UDC 628.112.22:628.147.22

Karmalov A. I., Filimonova S. V.

Methods of Struggle with Consequences of Colmatage and Corrosion of Water-Intake Well Equipment


The main problems encountered in the process of operation of water-intake wells are corrosion of water-lifting equipment and development of colmatage processes in the filters and in the zones of aquifers near the filters and, as consequence, decrease in output. One of the most acceptable variants of solving this problem is the use of glass-plastic pipes and polymeric filters. The experience in the use of up-to-date non-corrosive materials, the regeneration of wells using the reagent method making it possible to increase their output and to prolong the operation time is considered.

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UDC 628.

Sivolov G. E. , Karmalov A. I., Medrish G. L., Piskov M. V., Panchuk S. A., Zorin A. P.

Experience in Operation and Enhancement of Water Disinfection System with the Use of Sodium Hypochlorite


Over ten years ago at the water treatment facilities of the city of Seversk the operation of the disinfection system with the use of liquid chlorine was converted to the use of sodium hypochlorite. At present the modernization of equipment due to the application of aerohydrodynamic mixers was made, the processes of mixing the reagent with water being treated were intensified, the operation of reagent facilities was completely automated including the dosing of sodium hypochlorite proportional to water flowrate.

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UDC 628.162.15

Skolubovich Iurii, Voytov E. L., Karmalov A. I., Skolubovich Yu. L.

Treatment and Utilization of Wash Water of High-Rate Filters of Deferrization Stations


Issues of the intensification of coagulation treatment processes of wash water of the deferrization station’s high-rate filters are considered. Shortcomings of the existing flow chart of treatment and the reuse of wash water of filtration stations are exposed. The scheme of the unit and results of experimental studies for selection of an efficient reagent, treatment and utilization of filters’ wash water are presented. A new technology of reagent clarification and multiple use of deferrization station’s wash water is offered.

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Unique System of Control (The History of Creation of the Unified Automated Control System of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the Seversk’s Vodokanal)




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UDC 621.65.62-531.3:628.1/.2

Sivolov G. E. , Karmalov A. I., Ivanson P. B., Iskhakov Yu. B.

Multilevel Automated Control System of Technological Processes of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal


The stages of creation of the multilevel automated control system of technological processes of water supply and wastewater disposal with the use of an adjustable electric drive in pumping units, microprocessor and computer hardware are considered. A brief review of principles of operation of the system’s components is done. To ensure the uninterrupted water supply and wastewater disposal JSC Seversky Vodokanal realizes the project of creation of the multilevel automated system of control over technological processes of lifting, treatment and transportation of water to consumers with subsequent wastewater disposal to the city’s treatment facilities. The implementation of the project is carried out step-by-step.

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