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UDC 628.16.066.1

Strelkov A. K., Sopyryaev M. N., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G.

Development of Contact Clarification Technology for Low Turbid Water Treatment


The enhancement of a single-stage flow chart of treatment of low turbid water of the Saratov Reservoir (the Volga) in contact clarifiers at the treatment facilities of the city of Samara is considered. The experience of the operation of contact clarifiers in Samara under conditions of low turbid colour water treatment shows the high efficiency of water clarification and decolouration at simultaneous reduction of the cost of construction and operation of treatment facilities in comparison with the two-stage water treatment. The process of contact coagulation progresses faster than the usual coagulation in the free volume. A doze of coagulant at water clarification in contact clarifiers is smaller than in the course of two-stage treatment. The temperature of the water has almost no influence on the process of contact coagulation.

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