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UDC 628.11:504.064

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., Gvozdev V. A., Kholodkevich S. V., Ivanov A. V., Kourakin A. S., Kornienko E. L.

Improving efficiency and reliability of bioelectronical systems of industrial biological water quality monitoring stations


Saint-Petersburg Vodokanal MPE developed in 2005 a system of ensuring chemical safety of the water supply system in case of detecting toxic substances. The system is designed on the basis of industrial biological water quality monitoring stations. In 2010 both software and hardware of the industrial biological water quality monitoring station were upgraded to improve the system detectability and reliability. The developed innovation project is unique from sci-tech point of view as well as because it ensures reliable day-and-night data on the current state of the intake facilities of the water treatment plants.

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