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UDC 628.316.6

SMIRNOV A. D., Bivalkevich A. I., Strelkov A. K., Breslov B. E.

Efficiency and economic expediency of the industrial methods for wastewater disinfection


Technical and economic assessment of municipal and industrial wastewater disinfection methods is given. At present the method of UV-disinfection with the use of low pressure amalgam lamps is recognized from both technical and economic points of view as a most acceptable method widely used all around the world. UV disinfection ensures most efficient inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms including chlorine-tolerant (viruses) present in effluents. UV irradiation of wastewater is not accompanied with formation of by-products that could produce negative impact on living organisms and human health, i. e. this method is both environmentally and hygienically safe.

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