
Number 9 / 2012

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Trunov P. V.

European integration: when the borders of the homeland are too narrow




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Epstein Aleksandr

The mechanisms of providing for affordable water and wastewater services in the new branch legislation




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UDC 628.3.001.2

Ponomarev V. G., Oulanovsky Ya. B., Korolyov M. A.

Designing wastewater treatment facilities


An approach to the selection of industrial wastewater treatment technologies and design calculations is considered. The authors analyzed the advanced design solutions with specifying their drawbacks and mistakes often made. The process solutions used in installations made by Stroyengineering LLC and practically approved during the onsite operation are described.

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On the results of the Open Contest 2012 for the AQUATOR Award to young water industry research workers and engineers




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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711

GERASIMOV M. M., SMIRNOV A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Domnin K. V., Arkhipova Elena, Metelitsa Ekaterina, Smagin V. A., Belyak А. А.

Demanganization of decarbonized ground water of the Tungus basin with the use of catalytic media


A summarized analysis of the ground water demanganization methods is presented. The efficiency of manganese removal by «black sand» filtering is determined; the process parameters for purification of decarbonized ground water of the Tungus basin are specified. The efficiency of air assisted wash for the regeneration of the filter media upon the end of the filter run is evaluated. It was determined that the «black sand» filter media shall be activated with potassium permanganate. The complete process layout of the water demanganization facilities at the Tungus intake of the Khabarovsk city including sludge and filter washings treatment is developed.

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UDC 628.144:532.542

Yepifanov S. P., Zorkaltsev V. I.

The task of flow distribution with nonfixed junction points of consumption


A model of flow distribution in the water supply and distribution system with nonfixed junction points of consumption is considered. The model provides for more detailed characteristics of flow distribution both in normal conditions and emergency mode. The suggested junction point flow rate – water head ratios provide for the actual consumption amounts at the consumers’. The flow distribution algorithm in the form of nonlinear algebraic equation system is presented supported with the demonstration of differences in the results of calculating flow distribution with both fixed and nonfixed junction points of consumption.

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«Environmental safety of water use» IIIrd scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Professor A. F. Poryadin, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences




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UDC 628.1:543.42

Sokolov D. M., Sokolov M. S.

Spectroquant® analytical system for efficient water quality testing


Spectroquant® analytical system includes an advanced photometer and a set of high quality tests. The system provides for the quantitative water analysis for more than 100 quality parameters. The high reliability and quality of measurements are ensured by multilevel control of all the system components. The measuring techniques approved by GosStandard (Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology) are widely used for the chemical express-analyses of water.

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UDC 621.671

LEZNOV B. S., Vorobiev S. V.

The operation of centrifugal pumps with variable speed


The technologic aspects of using variable speed drives in pumping units are considered. The operation of centrifugal pumps with variable speed of the impeller is analyzed with account of the impact produced by water mains characteristics on the working parameters of pumping units. It is shown that reducing the pump impeller rotation speed can in some cases result in cavitation, surging, pump rotation speed resonance and resonance of the free lateral vibration of the shaft. Possible pump operation with rotation speed higher than the rated value is considered.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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