

bbk 000000

UDC 628.1/.2.004.9

Vakarina L. N., Pashchenko S. A., Nezamaev E. A.

Information customer accounting and client request management system


To ensure efficient operative decision-making a company operating municipal water and wastewater facilities needs an information support system that supplies unbiased information on the current situation. Information uploading to the higher level of control and data exchanging between all the interrelated deaprtments of the company are executed on the basis of ASTRA automated information failure accounting system designed by the specialists of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC. The given accounting system has become a management tool and provided for optimizing data exchange process between the main departments and reducing the time of response to the incoming emergency calls and customer claims. In 2009 a new department – Call Center – was established in Vodokanal. It became a connecting link between different company departments and customers (population and organizations). Establishing Call Center provided for the transparent cycle of repair requests processing – from receiving customer claim to fulfilling the repairs, and for the operative control of the service quality. ASTRA integrated automated information system allowed continuous monitoring of the key activities of the entire company and operative accounting of the water and sewerage networks condition; managing planning and repair processes and then on the basis of the acquired data analysis identifying most problem sections and planning the relevant preventive maintenance of the networks.

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