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Pupyrev E. I., Primin Oleg, Variushina G. P.

Comprehensive solution of snow management in Moscow


The main principle of the strategy of integrated improvement of city functioning in the Northern Region and its infrastructure in winter is a comprehensive solution of the problem of removing snow mass from different parts of the municipal traffic network, transportation and utilization. To solve this problem the experts of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC developed Master Plan of snow management in Moscow which was approved by the Moscow government in 2002. The regularities of snow cover pollution and formation of the fallen snow accumulations were taken as a basis of the plan. The urban meteorology changes in recent years, increase of the snow depth and the road surface subject to cleaning, the need of recording the amount of snow removed from the roofs, the use of advanced technologies of cleaning streets, yards and sidewalks, reduction of snow disposal time schedules have changed the initial data for calculating the snow amount subject to removal and utilization and called for analyzing and evaluating the system of snow management and, accor­dingly, for implementing the Master Plan of snow disposal in Moscow. The main principles of implementing the Master Plan targeted at the comprehensive solution of snow management in a megacity are presented. The calculations of the technical-economic indicators of different snow management technologies showed that processing the snow removed from the roads in mobile snow melting plants proved to be the most efficient method. Furthermore, the pollution of the water bodies within the city boundaries is reduced. The experience of operating mobile snow melting plants in Moscow revealed a number of their evident advantages: possible seasonal installation without any land allotment, complicated approvals and permanent connections to the utilities; saving expensive urban lands for use; the maximum possible reduction (or even elimination) of snow evacuation.

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  1. Khramenkov S. V., Pakhomov A. N., Bogomolov M. V., Danilovich D. A., Romashkin O. V., Pupyrev E. I., Koretskii V. E. [The system of snow disposal with the use of the municipal sewer].Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2008, no. 10, pp. 19–22. (In Russian).
  2. Koretskii V. E. [Environmental engineering protection of the hydrologic system of a northern megacity in winter period]. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress «Water: Ecology and Technology» – «ECWATECH–2006». Moscow, 2006. (In Russian).
  3. Shelomkov A. S., Shchigal T. A. Snegosplavnye punkty na kollektorakh moskovskoi kanalizatsii / Proekty razvitiia infrastruktury goroda. Inzhenernye sistemy i optimizatsiia vodopol’zovaniia [Snow melting facilities on the Moscow sewers / Municipal infrastructure development projects. Utility systems and water use optimization. Issue 2. Moscow, Prima-Press-М Publ., 2002, pp. 75–77].

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