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UDC 627.84

Sal'va A. M.

Prospects for the development of public water supply in the regions  on the other side of the river in the Central Yakutia


A brief description of the natural environment in the regions on the other side of the river in the Central Yakutia is presented. Based on the analysis of the ecological situation in these regions and on the results of the long-term medical monitoring of the public health a special program of ensuring water supply of the region was developed. The construction of public water supply systems was launched. The process flow schemes of three water mains are presented. The water supply systems include head floating pumping stations, water reservoirs, water basins, transfer pumping stations, pipelines and canals.

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  4. Sal’va A. M. Tekhnoprirodnye kriogennye protsessy v zone vliianiia magistral’nogo vodosnabzheniia v Tsentral’noi Iakutii (na primere uchastka samotechnogo kanala) [Technical natural cryogenic processes in the supply zone of the public water supply in the Central Yakutia (by the example of a gravity canal section): Ph. D. thesis in Geology and Mineralogy Sciences. Yakutsk, 2012, 136 p.].

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