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UDC 628.32:62-192

GALPERIN E. M., Egorova Yu. A., Vas'kovskii A. V., Konevskii E. V.

Ways to improve the municipal water supply and distribution system


Simulation of all possible switch-overs in the municipal water distribution network caused by fault section cutoffs is practically unfeasible because of the large number of simulation cases. For the implementation a method of the distribution network dividing into separate districts (zones) with water flow rate measured at the input and outlet is suggested in a similar way to the elimination of leaks. Within the limits of each district including up to 50 km pipelines the search of the isolated sections becomes feasible. At that determi­ning the reliability of the water supply in each district as a part of the annual period when the customer receives water on a regular basis is possible. This is achieved with the use of Markov model for determining the period of the water distribution network being operational and in the state with simultaneously isolated sections. Then by hydraulic calculations the parameters of the network in non-operating conditions are determined; at that it is determined which parameters are related to the operation period with normal or lowered level of performance.

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