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UDC 628.35:544.723

Nikolaeva L. A., Iskhakova R. I.

Enhancement of biological treatment of petrochemical industry wastewater


Possible utilization of water conditioning wastes of thermal power plants – carbonaceous sludge – for the enhancement of biological treatment of petrochemical industry wastewater is considered. The sorption capacity of carbonaceous sludge in relation to organic and inorganic admixtures in wastewater – phenols and ammonia nitrogen in standardized test solutions was determined. The results of experimental studies of wastewater of «Nizhnekamskneftekhim» PJSC showed that dosing of 600 mg/dm3 of carbonaceous sludge into aeration tanks provided for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment in relation to COD by 36%; BOD5 by 15% ammonia nitrogen by 28% owing to the sorption component. Under contact conditions the kinetic dependencies of COD, BOD and ammonia nitrogen reduction were obtained. With biotesting method it was stated that aqueous extract of carbonaceous sludge did not produce any adverse toxic effect on fish (guppies) and crustaceans (daphnia). The potential of using carbonaceous sludge of water conditioning at the thermal power plants for the enhancement of wastewater biological treatment processes is shown.

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