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UDC 628.16.8

Kichigin V. I., Strelkov A. K.

Study of underground water treatment technologies in the northern regions of Russia


The results of studies of possible use of the underground water treatment process scheme of one of the northern regions of Russia are presented. The versatile container plant includes: ozonators, electrical flotocoagulators, contacts clarifiers and rapid filters, sorption filters with various activated carbon media, membrane filter, UV-irradiation unit for water processing, chemical plant for feeding Aqua-Aurat™30 coagulant and Praestol flocculant to water. Raw water was described as low-turbid, colored, medium mine­ralized (mainly chloride-sulphatic-bicarbonate). The quality indicators of water surpassed the requirements of SanPiN in terms of color (72 degree platinum cobalt color scheme), turbidity (11.2 mg/dm3), flourides (2.2 mg/dm3), total iron (4.54 mg/dm3, including Fe2+ – 4.51 mg/dm3), manganese (0.11 mg/dm3). It was shown that water purification according to the scheme «ozonation-chemical filtration-sorption filter-UV-irradiation-membrane unit» provided not only for color and turbidity reduction but also for nearly hundred percent removal of manganese, fluorine and iron. This process scheme can be recommended for introduction at the water treatment plants.

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