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UDC 624.97:621.175.3

Lezhnev M. L., Ryzhakov G. G., Arefyev Yu. I., Bezzateyeva L. P.

Improving the design of mesh plastic tubular sprinklers


The results of improving the design of fill media made of mesh plastic tubes alongside with the analysis of the fill media design and process characteristics are presented. It is shown that the dominant factors affecting water cooling in fill media are the surface shape and dimensions that ensure the interaction of water and air flows. The design developed jointly by NII VODGEO OJSC and Techvodpolymer Ltd., that is the new version of Fleron long tubular mesh elements is presented. Depending on the operating conditions of the cooling tower the fill media can be installed either in horizontal, or vertical or inclined position. With specific reference it is shown that at similar water temperature at the input of the cooling tower FleronN fill media ensures 1.6 water concentrations higher compared to BO-65 basic fill media or allows to reduce cooled water temperature by 2.5°C.

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