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UDC 628.112.23:628.147.22

Karmalov A. I., Filimonova S. V.

Analysis of Сauses of Colmatage and Corrosion of Water-Intake Well Equipment under Conditions of Increased Anthropogenic Load


In the course of operation of water intakes from underground sources the problems associated with the processes of fouling and corrosion of the metal equipment of artesian wells inevitably increase. The intensity of deposit formation and corrosion development on the well equipment depends on the well output, the chemical composition of ground water, the presence of methane-producing and other bacteria generating an extremely active corrosion medium. Monitoring of the chemical composition and microbiological analysis of ground water make it possible to identify the causes of colmatage and corrosion of metal-containing elements of the wells under the conditions of the increased anthropogenic load, which further facilitates the selection of methods of struggle against these phenomena.

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