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UDC 628.16:504.064

Vasilenko S. L., Kobylianskii V. I.

The system of early warning of water quality deterioration
on the basis of toxicological testing


To improve raw water quality monitoring at water intakes and determine water toxicity the methods of biotesting are used to provide for making timely protecting management decisions. The system of raw water quality monitoring in municipal water supply is based on setting maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants. In Ukraine the normative standards of surface water protection from pollution (SanPiN 4630-88), where critical chemicals of the first and second classes of hazard alone amount to hundreds. The techniques developed earlier are inconsistent because of the discrepancies between the enlarging list of pollutants and out-of-date technical and methodological capacities of the supervisory agencies. The use of the biotesting method based on recording the photosynthetic capacity and respiration of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer or Scenedesmus quadricauda green algae for strategic pollution monitoring has been suggested. The flowchart of an automatic continuous monitoring station and an algorythm of natural water quality assessment were designed. The correlation between water toxicity index and traditional integral, physical and chemical water quality indices is shown. The flowchart of an automatic continuous monitoring station and its technical capacbilities that provide for tapping into the regional environmental monitoring system are described. A pilot model of the automatic continuous monitoring station was successfully tested at the Petchenezhskoye water reservoir. It was found that the toxicity index increased when BOD increased and the oxygen concentration decreased. The oxidation characetristic at that time did not change practically. On the basis of investigating natural water composition and experimental measuring water toxicity setting 40% threshold toxicity value for drinking water supply is recommended.

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