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UDC 628.112.24:622.24

Pokhil Yu. N., Grigorashchenko V. A., Danilov B. B., Smolyanitsky B. N.

Enhancement of Technologies of Trenchless Laying of Underground Communication Means and Service Pipelines


An analysis of trenchless methods of building of horizontal wells for the laying of underground services is presented. A method of horizontal drilling involving the processes of destruction of rock mass and its removal from the well built possesses the biggest reserves of technical potential. Ways of improvement of the efficiency of a drilling process are considered. A new technique of drilling in the course of which a major part of rock destructed is removed and the lesser part remained is pressed into the well walls with the purpose of increasing their strength and solidity is offered. Transportation of rock mass is carried out by air flow in a special revolving pipeline. The results of laboratory and production tests of a mockup sample of a drilling device using the developed technique of drilling for building of horizontal wells are presented.

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  3. Danilov B. B., Smoljanickij B. N. Opredelenie otnositel'noj plotnosti stenok gruntovyh skvazhin pri sooruzhenii ih kombinirovannym sposobom // Izv. vuzov. Ser. Stroitel'stvo. 2004. № 1.
  4. Danilov B. B. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti bestranshejnyh sposobov podzemnogo stroitel'stva za schet primenenija pnevmotransporta // Fiziko-tehnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznyh iskopaemyh. 2007. № 5.

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