

bbk 000000

UDC 628.248:678.026

Khrenov K. E., Khramenkov S. V., Fedunets B. I., Kosolapov A. F., Pakhomov A. V.

Polymeric Lining of Reinforced Concrete Blocks for Construction of Sewers


Increasing volumes of the construction of underground tunnels and sewers at practically unchanging structure of their lining lead to the accumulation of emergency stock which at present reached the critical level. A brief analysis of basic reasons for emergency situations taking place in underground tunnels and sewers is presented. Structures and technologies of fabrication of polymeric linings for construction of sewage tunnels with due regard for wastewater composition and aggressive factors influencing on the lining have been studied. The most perspective material for lining fabrication is fiberglass plastic. The most perspective technologies of fabrication of fiberglass plastic linings for high-precision reinforced concrete blocks intended for construction of sewers are proposed.

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