

bbk 000000

UDC 628.31.004.69

Rublevskaya O. N., Probirsky M. D., Lysova Tat’iana, Malysheva V. V.

The experience of the North wastewater treatment plant development and upgrade


The 25-year experience of operating and developing the North wastewater treatment plant in Saint-Petersburg is described. The stages of upgrading the wastewater treatment plant are presented: the first stage – complying with the Helsinki Recommendations on Baltic Marine Environment Protection (HELCOM) with regard to elimination of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from wastewater; the second stage – step-by-step 100% treatment of municipal wastewater from the combined sewage system by 2015 to comply with the HELCOM regulatory guidelines; the third stage – reduction of the volume and utilization of wastewater sludge. The improvement of the wastewater treatment plant provided for the upgrade of the facilities and equipment for wastewater mechanical treatment, sludge disposal, pretreatment of sludge mix before dewatering and other measures.

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