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UDC 628.166.085(439)

Csaba Haranghy, Géza Csörneyi, Pand’ianski Attila , Kostyuchenko S. V., Volkov Sergei, Levchenko D. A., Baranov V. L.

Integrated disinfection process flow scheme in the public water supply system of Budapest


The biggest in European Union UV water disinfection complex has been successfully operated at Kmegier, the Budapest water treatment plant with a capacity of 600,000 m3/day in Hungary. The municipal water supply system uses surface waters as a water source (The Danube River). The water body is not protected from possible input of various pathogens that can cause serious infectious disease outbreaks among the population. In addition viruses and cysts of pathogenic protozoa are highly resistant to traditional chlorination. The experts of Budapest water supply system Fvrosi VZMVEK Zrt. in cooperation with Russian LIT Scientific-Production Association carried out a series of tests at the pilot unit as a part of serial DUV 150/21 UV-system with low pressure lamps; and then industrial tests at DUV 36А/120 UV-systems. Blending the infiltrate water fed to the UV-system with river water abstracted directly from the Danube in the amount of 3% of the total flow rate was provided. Water quality analytical studies were carried out before and after disinfection by VZM-VEK Laboratory. In the process of studies the efficient UV-irradiation dosage of 60 mlJ/cm2 was determined for underflow (infiltrate) river water in definite operation conditions. The use of advanced combined water disinfection technology (chlorination + UV-irradiation) ensures minimizing the level of chlorination, reducing the risk of byproducts formation and improving the water safety.

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