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UDC 628.112.2

Tsymbalov A. A.

Overhaul period of water well rehabilitation


Annual construction of water wells, operation and maintenance of newly step-out wells built as back as in the Soviet era demands arranging up-to-date engineering service of these assets. Therefore, the development of advanced methods of well repair in Russia has been a critical task. Based on the regional experience it is shown that maintaining the well flow rate in the process of operation is provided by routine maintenance works. The main factor for repair and maintenance works is incrustation of the filtering well part that affects the safe yield and reduces the well flow rate. In order to maintain the design capacity a new source shall be developed or special repair works shall be carried out to restore the original capacity. The well recovery expenditures can make 25–30% of the cost of a new water intake construction. The right choice of the repair method and overhaul period determines the service time and life cycle of the well. On the basis of the regional practice the approaches to solving the well decolmatation problem are formulated. The overhaul period for the rehabilitation of colmatated wells are recommended.

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