11 2017

Number 11 / 2017

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Semin M. M.

The Centenary Year of Podolsk Vodokanal




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Pykhtin S. V.

Vodokanal of Irkutsk: yesterday, today, tomorrow




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UDC 628.1.033

Chupin V. R.

The current state and problems of the public water supply system of the city of Irkutsk and Irkutsk Area


Supplying the population with high quality drinking water has been a high-priority task of the urban land development. Lake Baikal and the Angara River, its effluent, supply most of the Irkutsk Area population with drinking water. The pure drinkable water of Baikal that the Angara is carrying is as such only upstream of Irkutsk. Onwards it turns into the holding pond of industrial and domestic wastewater. Downstream Irkutsk the Angara water cannot be used for drinking water supply without organics, heavy metals and oil products removal. Using the example of establi­shing the public water supply system of the Irkutsk Area the aspects of supplying water from the open surface water sources were studied. It is shown that the water use under the conditions of the regulated surface water sources with significant water level fluctuations demands constructing combined water intakes of special design – shore, channel, infiltration and pontoon. The sources with low-mineralized water shall be used in combination with mineralized underground water. The need of developing group water supply systems with the use of protected underground water sources or large-scale surface fresh water sources is shown.

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UDC 65.012.45:628.1/.2

Chupin V. R., Chupin R. V., Alekseev A. V., Novitskii N. N.

Prospective development scheme of the water supply
and wastewater disposal systems in the city of Irkutsk
and Irkutsk Area


According to the national legislation all the communities in Russia shall have prospective development schemes of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems. In the process of developing the schemes the electronic models and software for the assessment of the options of the development and decision making related to their implementation shall be used. Using the example of developing the scheme of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems in the city of Irkutsk and Irkutsk Area the efficiency of using «ANGARA» information computer complex that have been used for several years in the operating activities of Irkutsk «Vodokanal» MUE is shown. The main tool used in the scheme development was the electronic model of the pipeline system – the data base and software complex. The data bases contain the information on the site plans, schemes and parameters of the network elements and structures required for hydraulic calculations. The use of this complex provided for developing within fairly short time a radically new scheme of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems of the city of Irkutsk and Irkutsk Area for the period until 2025. The scheme provides for connecting 28 communities of the Irkutsk Area to the public water supply and wastewater disposal systems of Irkutsk.

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UDC 628.218

Chupin R. V., Primin Oleg

Substantiation of the wastewater disposal system parameters
in the context of projected water consumption and wastewater discharge uncertainty


Lately in Russian cities the reduction of the total and per capita water consumption has been observed. However the active «Water supply. Outdoor networks and structures. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.02-84» SP 31.13330.2012 design and construction specifications do not take into account this fact and, consequently, the presented values of the specific water consumption do not keep to the current level of plumbing and water consumption patterns that cannot be uniform for all the cities and communities in Russia. The use of regulatory values of rated loadings set in these design and construction specifications in designing water and wastewater systems can result in project cost increase and significant operation expenses. Accordingly they have to be corrected with account of the assessment and prediction of the actual specific consumption values in separate cities and communities. This in return requires relevant studies and update of the specific water consumption regulatory values for designing and updating the developing water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The method of substantiating the parameters of the sewers under design in the context of projected water consumption and wastewater discharge uncertainty is described. The method based on the fuzzy sets theory and methodology of decision making in the context of the baseline information uncertainty provides for handling alternative values of water consumption and making decisions on the ground of the minimum investment risks.

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UDC 628.166.085

Kostyuchenko S. V., SMIRNOV A. D., Tolstoi M. Iu.

Domestic technologies and equipment for chemical free treatment of water and wastewater of the Siberian cities and industries


The chemicals used in liquid and gaseous media treatment and purification either stay intact in the processed environment or disinteg­rate and react with the processed environment or admixtures in it and form numerous secondary and often toxic products. In this context chemical free methods of media purification aiming at their environmental safety are of most interest. Chemical free methods of treatment do not result in the formation of such a big amount of secondary products; whereas the efficiency of their use is often higher because they less depend on the type and structure of the targeted substance or admixture as well as on the conditions of use. Ultraviolet irradiation has been the most efficient and widely used method of chemical free disinfection of effluents both in Russia and abroad. The capital expenses for UV-disinfection are significantly reduced since there is no need in constructing contact tanks for chlorination and dechlorination; in addition the absence of chemical consumption eliminates the need in constructing a chemical plant and installing dosing systems. Using the example of the Siberian Region the advantages of using UV-irradiation in wastewater treatment is described.

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UDC 628.35

Obuzdin S. Iu., Gubin D. I.

Reconstruction of the right-bank wastewater treatment facilities
of Irkutsk


Practically in all Russian cities the deterioration of the water and wastewater networks and facilities averages about 70%. Many of the facilities have been not only worn but also outmoded and do not meet the current technical and environmental requirements. The right-bank and left-bank wastewater treatment facilities of Irkutsk for many years have been overloaded: at the design capacity of 300 thousand m3/day the actual incoming wastewater flow has been 360 thousand m3/day. Lately, due to the significant reduction of the specific water consumption the incoming wastewater flow has reached 295 thousand m3/day. However the composition of the wastewater in relation to many parameters changed significantly; whereas the treatment efficiency lowered. As a result of the long time operation without heavy overhaul under the conditions of the corrosive wastewater a great number of reinforced concrete storage tanks, pipelines and equipment have been in poor state and need dismantling, repair, replacement and upgrade. In order to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment the following basic process stages have been proposed: primary mechanical treatment; grit removal; biological treatment with nitrogen removal in the processes of nitrification-denitrification; chemical phosphorus removal by sedimentation method; enhanced treatment (organics and ammonia nitrogen removal) in a moving-bed bioreactor; suspended substances removal by enhanced tertiary treatment in sand filters; UV-disinfection. Upon complete reconstruction the required wastewater treatment level will meet the sanitary standards of the effluent quality to be discharged into water bodies.

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UDC 65.012.45:628.1/.2

Obuzdin S. Iu., Alekseev A. V., Novitskii N. N.

The concept of enterprise consolidated information area
and its approbation in «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk


A brief description of approaches to IT development of the operators of public utilities pipelines is presented. The main task of developing intelligent pipeline systems is the harmonization of the requirements and capabilities of all the parties to the processes of receiving and conveying the operating medium, delivering and using the services. Herewith a consumer is assigned the part of an active full-fledged stakeholder who can influence the scope of services, their quality and price. The key objective of improving the degree of intellectuality of pipeline systems is ensuring the high level of their technologic controllability. The necessary condition of achieving the set goal is the availability of the consolidated information area as a cornerstone factor. The basic provisions of the concept of the enterprise consolidated information area are presented and the experience of its approbation in «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk is described. Compared to the typical approach to the development of the management information system («top-down») that assumes data centralization within the frames of the unified information system, a flexible approach is proposed that is based on the data resource integration («bottom-up»). Herewith the information support of the decision-making processes related to the operation control is put a premium on. The acceptance of this concept by water and wastewater providers will lay the groundwork for establishing the intersystem and intraurban co-operation, integration with external structures and services (municipal administration, supervisory authorities, online resources for customer relations etc.), provide for improving the general level of controllability and concurrence of the decisions made which will result in the improvement of the efficiency and service quality.

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UDC 628.1/.2:65.012.45

Obuzdin S. Iu., Alekseev A. V., Novitskii N. N.

Automation of the operation modes and centralized control
of the water supply systems at «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk
on the basis of electronic models


The principles of adopting technologic solutions of the control of the public utilities development and functioning under the conditions of their territorial, structural and timed disunity at the water supply and wastewater disposal enterprises are considered. A possible way of solving these problems based on the use of end-to-end simulation and designing the enterprise consolidated information area with the help of «ANGARA» Information Computer Environment is proposed. The brief description and main functions of «ANGARA» are presented. «ANGARA» ICE was designed at the laboratory of pipeline and hydraulic systems of Melentiev Energy Systems Institute for the automation of the processes of developing, supporting and using electronic models of pipelines of arbitrary type and with different levels of complexity in solving application tasks of studying, designing and operating them. The information-computer complex possesses the essential set of graphical, information and analytical functions required for the development, correction and analysis of pipeline system schemes of different type. Using the example of automation of designing the operation modes and centralized control of the water supply systems at «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk the possibility of using the obtained results in solving new tasks that involve dynamic models of load flow is considered.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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