08 2017

Number 8 / 2017

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UDC 628.16.067.3

Filatov A. I.

Review of the trends of rapid filtration improvement:
designs, technologies, calculation methods


The results of the works carried out at Rostov Research Institute of Public Utilities for the period of 1980–2016 on improving the design, calculation methods and technologies of rapid filtration are presented. The works were mainly relevant to two basic elements of rapid filters: drainage-distribution systems and filtering media as well as improvement of water coagulation processes. The obtained results were published elsewhere during 1983–2016 and found practical use at many filtration plants in Russia. More than 120 years of practice of using rapid filters in municipal water supply as well as the results of numerous studies show that from the reliability and durability standpoint quartz sand filter media is the most stable in relation to the basic indicators (including wear capacity and grinda­bility). Using this media in combination with advanced coagulants and flocculants provides for stable high quality filtrate. Another very important element of a rapid filter is the drainage-distribution system designed for reliable regeneration of the filtering media. One of the advanced types is porous drainage developed by the experts of Rostov NII AKKH: porous polymer concrete drainage on the basis of epoxy bonding agents and tubular-porous drainage with fixed porous layer. The reliability of these drainages has been proved by 20-year practice of field work. The core results of the described work are presented to help using them by the employees of engineering companies, water providers and students studying municipal drinking water supply.

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UDC 628.31:504.3.054:628.52

Budarina O. V., Pinigin M. A., Sabirova Z. F., Fedotova L. A.

Odor problems in ambient air of the wastewater treatment facilities: regulation, control and legislative regulation


A review of the current methodological approaches to the regulation and control of odorous substances in ambient air is presented. The values developed overseas on the basis of the epidemiological studies and recommended as standard odor levels in the area of wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The experimental procedure of setting permissible concentrations of odorous substances with account of odor «persistence» criterion based on the determination of the dependence of the possible odor threshold of different intensity from the substance concentrations is coherent with the international approaches to setting the air quality criteria related to the odor with account of «annoyance». As a result of the studies the regulatory values of the odor level of complex multicomponent emissions including emissions of wastewater treatment facilities that possess high «annoyance potential» have been substantiated mee­ting which will provide for the population protection from «obsessive» odor. In order to control ambient air pollution with odor the method of probabilistic assessment of the odor presence and intensity in the area of the facilities-odor emission sources location has been developed. It is expected that the introduction of the method of setting limits and control of odor as an element of the ambient air quality will supply the State supervision bodies with new approaches to the assessment of the ambient air condition in the communities located near the enterprises – emission sources in the process of setting the maximum permissible emissions, approving the sanitary-protection zones and developing the measures on eliminating odor impact on the population as the most important elements of odor control in the ambient air.

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UDC 628.35:661.5

KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A., Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Aseyeva V. G., Gavrilin A. M., Agarev Anton, Pimenov N. V., Kallistova A. Iu.

Development of the first in Russia Anammox type technology


The first in Russia Anammox type technology has been developed in «Mosvodokanal» JSC in cooperation with «Fundamental prin­ciples of biotechnology» Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences with support from RF Ministry of Education and Science. The technology is designed for the purification of filtrate of centrifuges that dewater digested wastewater sludge. Anammox technology is based on the microbiological process of ammonium oxidation with nitrite under anoxic conditions. This process has been implemented at more than 100 wastewater treatment facilities all over the world in various technologic options. This group of technologies is the most cost-effective and high developing biotechnology of nitrogen removal from wastewater. Anammox type technology has been implemented at the pilot plant that provides for the purification of dewatering centrifuge filtrate. In terms of the process parameters the developed technology can be compared to the foreign alternatives but adapted to the conditions of the Liuberetskie Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Moscow. Single reactor process is carried out at 30–37 °С with new anammox-bacteria. From the economic, technologic and environmental point of view Anammox technology is very attractive compared to the traditional options of biological nitrogen removal. Anammox process lacks the demand in organic matter; whereas the oxygen demand is reduced by 60% resulting in significant energy saving. It can be applied at the wastewater treatment facilities both in Russia and overseas.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Semenov V. V., Rodionov S. N., Naslednikova A. F.

Improving the efficiency of chemical treatment
of wastewater of fat-and-oil production


Wastewater of food industry enterprises is a complex physical and chemical system. Under production line conditions the high treatment efficiency of the main wastewater stream is provided with the help of chemical treatment with further solid phase separation by dissolved-air flotation method. The treatment process flow scheme used at the plant includes collection of wastewater of different composition and chemical treatment with subsequent sedimentation carried out in a batch reactor-settling tank, is characterized by the long process time and low efficiency. For the optimization of the treatment process it was suggested to replace the equipment with a comprehensive system including chemical dosing units (coagulants, flocculants), a pH-correction unit, a flocculator with static mixers and a dissolved-air flotation unit at retaining the collection and accumulation system of wastewater of different composition. The results of implementing different process flow schemes of chemical treatment of fat-and-oil production wastewater (mayonnaise section, refining section, mustard production) are presented. Chemical treatment of wastewater coming from the mayonnaise section provides for more than 97% COD and BOD5 elimination, more than 99% of fat removal and more than 98% of suspended solids removal. Chemical treatment of wastewater coming from the refining section provides for more than 65% COD and 45% BOD5 treatment efficiency, and more than 45% suspended solids removal. The treatment efficiency of wastewater coming from mustard production is more than 60% of COD and BOD5 elimination; more than 90% of suspended solids removal and more than 99% of fat removal.

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UDC 628.1/.2:621.644.075

Prodous O. A., Terekhov L. D.

Selection of polyethylene pipe grades for trenchless rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipelines


In the world practice different methods of trenchless rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipes are used. Selecting a method of trenchless rehabilitation is recommended solely after having compared the cost of the set of process equipment, its payback period and hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline before and after the rehabilitation. A method of substantiating the selection of polyethy­lene pipe grades for trenchless rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipelines is presented. The method of selecting the diameter of polyethylene pipes is as follows: for a certain pipe material the inner diameters of the pipeline under rehabilitation and pulled through polyethylene pipe are determined according to the existing standards; the ratio between the inner diameter of the pipeline of the section under rehabilitation and the outer diameter of the polyethylene pipe pulled through (by any method) should differ by only one standard size by grades; for comparison the hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline before and after the trenchless rehabilitation are determined by tables (handbooks); the cost of the process equipment, payback period and the hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline before and after the rehabilitation are compared. Thereafter the diameter of the pulled through polyethylene pipes is accepted. A comparative analysis of the hydraulic parameters for two methods of trenchless rehabilitation with the use of 160–400 mm diameter polyethylene pipes was carried out. The results of comparing the hydraulic characteristics of a pipeline in the process of rehabilitation with and without host pipe destruction are presented.

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UDC 628.336.3

Butusov M. M., Komarov A. Iu., Pisarenko S. S., Кудерна Mаксимилиан, Pollak Michael

Zero waste processing of wastewater sludge – production of biocoke


An optimal method of wastewater sludge utilization has not been found so far. An advantageous method of wastewater sludge utilization (both economically and ecologically) can be production of biocoke – material that meets the following criteria: high concentration of pure carbon (more than 15–30%); low hydrogen concentration (H/C less than 0.2); the lack of organic toxicants; high porosity (about 40%); mechanical stability; good sorption properties. Method of production – pyrolysis at 400–900 °С temperature; raw material – organic wastes of different origin (wastewater sludge, agricultural wastes, milling wastes, poultry farm wastes). Biocoke can be used for soil conditioning, reclamation of solid waste landfills, reclamation of technogenic and abandoned territories for planting, mitigation of land erosion and desertization. Compared to other soil media biocoke has an advantage in the possibility of selecting material properties depending on the specific application. AktivIl Company has designed and commissioned a medium-scale multiple-hearth
pyrolysis reactor with a capacity of approximately 300 tons of biocoke annually; sludge from a wastewater treatment plant in one of the Moscow Area cities has been used as a raw material. Biocoke samples produced at different operating modes were analyzed and tested. The first results of the studies showed the possibility of reaching the required parameters of the product. The studies are going on within the frames of some national and international projects.

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UDC 628.21/.23:696.133.2

Vasilyev V. M., Malkov A. V., Klementyev M. N.

Example of air exchange arrangement and its calculation
for a sewerage network section under design


The method of calculating the volume and direction of gas travel in the sewerage network induced by the fluid carrying capacity and natural draft with account of different physical, hydraulic parameters of wastewater and gas, network design values, daylight surface temperature is presented. The method provides for making calculations at the design stage and determining the following parameters: the volume and direction of gas travel in the network, gas exchange rate, network corrosion rate, expected background concentration of corrosive gases at the assigned gas exchange rate, network corrosion rate, overhaul period. Herewith commissioning ventilation installations, filters and vent pipes is taken into account. To obtain the regularities for calculating and designing air exchange facilities in the operating urban tunnel sewers  numerous experimental studies were carried out. Herewith the basic calculation formulas of the joint travel of fluid and air were obtained and the calculation method of determining the basic parameters of air exchange systems was developed. This method was used in the process of designing the Ufa wastewater disposal system expansion. The conducted economic comparison takes into account the basic technical and economic parameters of the ventilation system operating parameters; provides for assessing approximately different ventilation options and carrying out their comparison and calculating the economic effect.

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UDC 628.146

Murashev S. V., Il'ichev S. V.

Upcycle of GP-N type underground fire hydrant


GP-N underground hydrant (GOST R 53961-2010) is designed to abstract water with the help of standpipes (KPA type) from the water distribution network for firefighting. Hydrant of the given type has a fundamental defect that is autogeneration of periodic surges. The studies carried out in a hydraulic test stand arise at the beginning or at the end of the fire hydrant valve closing (at the partial ope­ning). Autogeneration of periodic surges happens in case of incorrect fire hydrant handling when the side valves of the standpipe (KPA) have been underclosed or not closed at all; or in case of hydrant being opened-closed without a standpipe. Autogeneration of surges is caused by the low pressure zone arising according to Bernulli law in the point of the maximum water velocity in the continuous steady flow. Surges can lead to the extrusion of the gasket between the fire hydrant flange and its support and hence to the damage of the fire hydrant or even of the pipeline itself to which the hydrant has been fixed in the radius of several dozen meters from the point of the hydrant installation. In order to reduce the accident rate the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» have developed, tested and patented a device that prevents surges. The engineering solution is based on blocking all possible aggregate valve plays. In order to prevent accidents related to fire hydrant and vent pipes pullout from the T-coupling the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» have developed, patented, successfully tested and put into production a compensator of the fire hydrant motion.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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