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UDC 628.112.24:622.

Ivashechkin V. V., Medvedeva Iu. A.

Improving the methods of inspecting and repairing sanding water abstraction wells


The issues of improving the methods of fault detection, repair of filters and casing of sanding water abstraction wells are considered. The designed instrument is described that has been developed for detecting places of water abstraction well sanding and consists of the control block and water turbidity indicator. In the process of inspection the instrument is moving along the filter during water pumping out of the well. The instrument has successfully passed laboratory and field tests. To simplify the inspection of sanding wells a special device is described that includes a submerged pumping unit and the instrument for detecting sanding places. The design of the device for plugging a damaged section of casing or filter of the water abstraction well is proposed that includes a container for cement mortar with a force opened valve and permanent shuttering. The advantage of this method is in low cost and relatively simple repair work. Some reduction of the filter capacity and well yield can be attributed to disadvantages.

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