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UDC 621.65:62-531.3

Usachev A. P.

Method of estimating the efficiency of pumping unit frequency regulation (to be discussed)


The method of estimating energy saving from using frequency regulation of the pumping unit capacity in water supply systems is presented. The estimation of the capacity efficiency of pumping units is carried out only from the energy saving resulting from the use of frequency regulation instead of throttling (other saving components are not considered). To estimate energy saving it is required to compare the power consumed from the grid in the existing scheme of the regulation by penstock gate throttling and in the frequency regulation scheme. Then the energy saving in monetary form shall be compared with the expenses for retrofitting the frequency regulation system. The method is based on the graphical analysis of the pump operation point parameters in the operating group and optimized for the use in water supply systems operating by the pressure.

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  2. Usachev A. P. [On the use of similarity equations in technical and economic calculations of frequency regulation of pumping units]. Proceedings of «Addressing the Problems of Environmental Safety in Water Industry» VI International Scientific-Technical Conference. Novosibirsk, 2010. (In Russian).
  3. Leznov B. S., Vorob’ev S. V. [The operation of centrifugal pumps with variable speed]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2012, no. 11, pp. 44–49. (In Russian).
  4. Usachev A. P., Gordeichik A. V. [Specific features of frequency regulation of pumps with account of the operating range]. Proceedings of «Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal of Communities» International Conference. «Water: Ecology and Tech­no­logy» «ECWATECH–2014» International Forum. Moscow, 2014. (In Russian).
  5. Usachev A. P. [Control of centrifugal pump parallel operation]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2018, no. 2, pp. 55–60. (In Russian).

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