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UDC 621.1/.2

Hyamyalyainen M. M., Malikova E. V., Rusanova E. V.

Specific features of establishing public water supply
and wastewater disposal in communities with developed housing


Public water supply and wastewater disposal systems in inhabited territories have been an important element of the social and economic development of separate regions and entire Russia. At present part of the Russian population not only in remote communities but in big cities are not provided with public water supply and wastewater disposal services. Within the frames of implementing «The scheme of water supply and wastewater disposal of Saint-Petersburg for the period up to 2025 including the prospects up to 2030» approved by St. Petersburg’s Government Resolution of December 11, 2013 No. 989 designing and constructing networks and facilities of public water supply and wastewater disposal is carried out in the territories where they are not available. The specific features in relation to performing works in the territories with developed housing are stated. Description of these specific features and solution approaches can be helpful in performing similar works in other regions of Russia.

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  1. https://raww.ru/ (accessed 28.08.2018). (In Russian).
  2. http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/demography (accessed 28.08.2018). (In Russian).
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  5. http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/publications/catalog/ afc8ea004d56a39ab251f2bafc3a6fce (accessed 29.08.2018). (In Russian).
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  7. Hamalainen М. М., Iudin M. Iu. [Public water supply and wastewater disposal as a factor of sustainable development of the region]. Proceedings of «Geocultural Karelia space: traditions, modern times, prospects» International Conference within the frames of XII International Ethnic Festival «Land of Kalevala – 2018». Saint-Petersburg, pp. 84–85. (In Russian).

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