

DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.11.07
UDC 628.24:628.292:532.595.2

Zhitenev A. I., Kurganov Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Sarkisov S. V., Vinokurov Pavel

Results of experimental studies of water hammer arising in the operation of sewage pumping stations


The results of studies of water hammer arising in the operation of sewage pumping stations are presented. The studies were carried out at two stations of the same type in St. Petersburg. At present, there are no practical recommendations aimed at reducing the strength of water hammer at sewage pumping stations including the choice of location, type of check valves, a combination of their joint operation with smooth start, etc. Therefore, a set of experimental studies is conducted in St. Petersburg aimed at the solution to this problem. During the research, piezoresistor pressure transducers and a modular signal register were used. The use of check valves with hydraulic brakes is a more effective measure to combat water hammers compared to the smooth start and halt of the pumping unit. Water hammers that occur at the startup of pumping units while operating in combination with check valves without hydraulic brakes can exceed water hammers that occur when they stop.

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