Tag:training of specialists



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UDC 378.1:69

Gogina Elena, Rouzhitskaya O. A.

Advanced approach to training of highly qualified personnel in building industry


The aspects of advanced training of water industry specialists are considered. The RF Federal Law «On the education in the Russian Federation», RF accession to the Bologna Declaration and other factors adjust the model of the modern educational system, offer new challenges for the educational institutions, encourage active involvement of the industrial enterprises in the educational process. The basic aspects of training of bachelors of Academic and Applied Sciences, Masters and PhD fellows are described. The competence approach forms the basis of an educational process of any level. The graduate who has attended a course of study shall master a definite set of competences that will provide for his getting a job at a sectoral enterprise. The competences gained must be in-demand at the job market. The sectoral enterprises above all others shall be interested in training one or another graduate. That is why the modern educational model must precisely harmonize the educational technologies with the sectoral demands. In the modern context it is no more possible to train certified bachelors, masters, and put them on the open job market. Neither enterprises, nor universities will gain from it. Solving this problem is possible only under condition of the active cooperation between educational institutions and water industry enterprises.

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