Tag:skill improvement


155th anniversary of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»

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UDC 628.32:37.018.4

Troshenko D. V., Alekseev A. G.

The activities of the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre


The Centre on training and skill improvement of water industry professionals named «The International Advanced Technologies Centre» was established as a result of cooperation between SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» and «LADEK Lahti Region Development Centre» Finnish Company within the frames of the Northern Dimension Business Council working group on environment and nature conservation. The Centre is holding lectures and seminars where the experts from Russia, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland are sharing their knowledge. To provide for the feedback with the students questionnaire surveys are carried out. Cross border study courses for Russian water professional are being held to provide for the familiarization with the advanced methods of operation and innovative water and wastewater treatment technologies. Foreign students are also trained. In May 2012 the Centre held the first educational seminar for students from Finland trained for doctoral degree, and for the academicians from the Lappeenranta University of Technology and Aalto University (Helsinki). In the course of studies the students got familiarized with the advanced technologies applied at the water and wastewater facilities of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg». The International Centre was awarded by TEKEL, the Finnish Science Park Association, for the «best international initiative».

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UDC 628.1/.3:331.363.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.05.03

Lebedeva Aleksandra, Petrova Liudmila

The Association of Living Water Engineers as a modern response to the challenges of water supply and sanitation industry


The article is devoted to the unique approach of the Association of Living Water Engineers, which provides for the unity of water supply and sanitation specialists for interaction in order to develop the industry. Based on the analysis of industry problems, the authors point to the preconditions for the creation of the Association of Living Water Engineers. Much attention is given to the aspects of internal communications and interaction among specialists. The authors report on the main achievements and innovations introduced within the community during the year of its existence.

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