Tag:membrane vibrations



UDC 628.161:66.081.63
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.03.07

Barsukov Oleg, Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris

Ways to reduce fouling of separation membranes and increase the performance of membrane apparatus (a review)


The widespread use of membrane technologies in the energy sector in water purification processes, wastewater treatment and other areas poses questions of their improvement in order to increase the economic efficiency, performance of membrane separation apparatus, reduce the amount of secondary waste, etc. Potentials are being sought to improve these indicators. Moreover, if the highest level has currently been reached in the development and production of membranes, and no further dramatic improvements are visible so far, then in relation to the design it is believed that there are still potentials. The paper discusses options for increasing the efficiency of membrane separation apparatus by means of the external effects on the processed water or on the membrane apparatus. This is the pulsation of the liquid flow, ultrasonic impact on it, rotation of special inserts or the membranes themselves, vibrations of the membrane element. The complexity of their design and the prospects of application for different stages of purification and concentration processes are estimated.

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