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UDC 628.35.002.237

Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov M. V., Astrakhantsev D. V., Dudarev V. A., Stepanov S. V., Tarakanov D. I.

Conception of Reconstruction of City Sewerage Treatment Facilities of Samara


The results of years of research aimed at improving the quality of wastewater treatment at the city sewerage treatment facilities of Samara are presented. The technology of the Capetown University is the most acceptable for the further reconstruction of facilities due to the low concentration of organic substances in clarified wastewater and a high ratio of biogenic elements concentration to biochemical consumption of oxygen. At present the studies of biomembrane treatment with the use of hollow fibre membranes and equipment of General Electric Co. are planned. For that it is necessary to build a screens building and to place also the unit of UV-disinfection of treated wastewater. The cost of reconstruction of the treatment facilities will be 11,8 milliards of roubles.

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  3. Stepanov S. V., Stashok Iu. E., Strelkov A. K., Noev N. V. Ochistka stochnykh vod neftepererabatyvaiushchego zavoda s ispol'zovaniem membrannoi i biomembrannoi tekhnologii // Voda Magazine. 2010. № 12.
  4. Kirsanov A. A., Kolchev V. N, Bykova P. G., Zaitseva S. G. Vnedrenie tekhnologii UF-obezzarazhivaniia na predpriiatiiakh kommunal'nogo khoziaistva g. Samary // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 2006. № 9, ch. 2.
  5. Khramenkov S. V., Pakhomov A. N., Bogomolov M. V. i dr. Razrabotka i vnedrenie sistemy UF-obezzarazhivaniia stochnykh vod g. Moskvy // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 2008. № 4.

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