

bbk 000000

UDC 628.161:536.22

Fomina V. F.

Features of Coagulation of Low Turbid, Color Water of the Vychegda Under Conditions of Low Temperature


Results of the reagent treatment of low turbid and color water of the Vychegda for the purpose of selection of the efficient method of its clarification is presented. The process of coagulation is characterized by the formation of small, poorly settling flakes. Low temperatures of water require increasing the optimal doses of coagulant almost two times and the optimal doses of flocculant more than two times. It is shown, that the water discoloration up to 5–10 degrees and its maximal clarification are achieved in and around of optimal pH values. The empirical dependences of a coagulant’s dose on influent water color with due regard for its temperature are given. The efficiency of low temperature water treatment depends substantively on flocculation process, the duration of which multiplies several times during the periods of water's low temperatures. Under these circumstances the pressure flotation is the most reasonable and efficient method of clarification.

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