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UDC 628.31:577.472

KOZLOV M. N., Rubin A. B., Shchegolkova N. M., Matorin D. N., Shashkina P. S., Osipov V. A.

Fluorescence Methods of Monitoring the Process of Obtaining the Biomass from Microalgae


The development of domestic wastewater treatment technologies with the use of photoautotrophs up to the present moment was restrained by the lack of methods of processing the biomass obtained. In recent years there has been an active development of such technologies. The advantages of microalgae over the other sources of biomass are enormous: the highest productivity and the capability to treat water for biogenic elements up to the quality of the cleanest water bodies. Specialists of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal and M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University have studied the process of obtaining the microalgae biomass on wastewater using the up-to-date fluorescence methods. The dependence of chlorophyll a and algae biomass on the fluorescence index F0 and the biomass increment on the Fv/Fm. parameter has been detected in the laboratory photobioreactor.

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