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UDC 628.161.3

Astrakhantsev D. V., Kirsanov A. A., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Erchev V. N., Strelkov D. A., Zanina Zh. V.

Modernization of Chemical Workshop of the Pumping-Filter Station of Samara Using the Powdered Carbon Sorbent


Modernization of the chemical workshop carried out at one of unit of the pumping-filter station of Samara with 360 thousand m3/day output has made it possible to improve the reliability of water treatment. The flow chart includes the primary chlorination, dosing of powdery activated carbon into influent water, coagulant addition before the mixer, flocculant addition at the passage of water from the mixer, clarification in horizontal settling tanks, filtration in rapid filters, secondary chlorination. The use of powdered activated carbon in the water treatment scheme ensures the quality of potable water corresponding to specified requirements.

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