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UDC 69.059.22:556.3

KURANOV P. N., Kototeyev D. G.

The procedure of designing drainage rates and geologic safety threshold in case of urban industrial area underflooding


The regulatory documents specify the indicators of the ground water critical state depending on the development pattern of urban industrial areas. Dividing the areas according to the development pattern is presented in general without regard to the RF Town Planning Code. The analysis of published data and regulatory requirements showed the necessity of specifying the geologic safety threshold in case of underflooding in order to validate the drainage rate of the urban industrial areas. The concept of designing geologic safety threshold on the basis of the geohazard risk theory with the evaluation of underflooding negative effect level is set out. The design functional connections were obtained and the procedure of designing drainage rates, acceptable ground water levels and geologic safety threshold in case of underflooding of different urban industrial areas classified as provided by the RF Town Planning Code was developed.

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