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UDC 628.16.065.2

Getmantsev S. V., Gandurina L. V., Sychev A. V.

Comparison of aluminium-containing coagulant efficiency in turbid river water purification


The results of comparing the efficiency of inorganic aluminium-containing coagulants with different chemical composition and basic substance concentration when used for turbid river water purification: aluminium sulphate, AQUA-AURAT™ aluminium polyoxychlorides as well as composite aluminium-based coagulants are presented. It was shown that composite coagulants and coagulating-flocculating compounds are most efficient for turbid water treatment.

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  4. Pedashenko D. D., Bozhko L. N. Proizvodstvennye ispytaniia obrabotki vody reagentami poliDADMAKh i «AKVA-AURAT™10» dlia vodosnabzheniia goroda Rostova-na-Donu / Tekhnologiia ochistki vody «Tekhnovod–2005»: Materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. OAO «AURAT». – Kazan', 2005.

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