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UDC 628.

Novitskaia O. S.

Taking into account the actual conditions of water consumption
in hydraulic designing water distribution networks


Pipeline hydraulic estimation is a basis of the process and technical-and economic, optimization, in particular, design of water supply systems. Improving hydraulic design of the water distribution networks with due account for the actual water consumption is a topical task; whereas estimation of the water flow rate dependence from free head values is an important and essential basis for calculations. The method of hydraulic design of water distribution networks with account of water flow rate dependence from free head values in the zones of both deficient and excessive head was developed and presented. To account for water losses the correlation factors of total water losses and total consumption, between water loss values in residential buildings and between total water loss values were introduced. The exponents reflecting water flow rate variation at nodal points were introduced. GRS NEW software for the hydraulic estimation of the joint operation of the entire system of water supply and distribution was improved. The software takes into account water flow rate increase at every nodal point depending on the available water head and allows identifying the problem points.

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