

bbk 000000

UDC 532.526.4

Vikoulin P. D., Frolova A. О.

Methods of determining flow velocity in open channels at turbulent regime


The turbulent flow structure and velocity distribution at turbulent liquid flow is considered. The methods of determining flow velocity in open channels based on keeping records of the speed of helix blade rotation, of the floating object speed, of the dynamic pressure, of the flow force impact; on the heat exchange principle; on measuring water amount entering the meter for the observation period; on the use of ultrasound; on the use of laser are presented. The error of measuring velocity by different methods is indicated. The profile of liquid velocity in a complete-mix activated sludge model system is specified.

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  3. Kaminskii Iu. D., Proskurnev S. Iu., Zamanskii V. I. Lazernye doplerovskie izmeriteli skorosti i dliny kabelei i provoloki // Kabeli i provoda. 2008. № 2 (309). S. 27–29.

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