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UDC 628.16.081.32

Samonin Viacheslav, Spiridonova E. A., NEFEDOVA E. D., Portnova T. M., Gvozdev V. A., Podviaznikov M. L.

Water purification with the use of granulated activated carbon at the Southern Waterworks


The results of multi-year studies show that the water quality of the Neva River is deteriorating in relation to organoleptic properties. To ensure high quality drinking water the advanced water treatment technologies including coagulation, sedimentation, oxidation and adsorption were introduced at the K-6 filter block of the Southern Waterworks. Chemviron Carbon granulated activated carbon was used as sorption medium. It is shown that the use of additional carbon medium at the final stage in the sand filters increases significantly the efficiency of treatment. Sampling units were designed, sampling techniques were developed, and samples of the carbon and water from the filtering sorption medium were taken. By analyzing iodine number and sorption activity for methylene blue of activated carbon and permanganate oxidizability of water the life durability of carbon was determined which under the given operation conditions was 3–3.5 years. The perspectivenes of high-temperature carbon reactivation is shown. Herewith the technical-and-economic assessment of the reactivation cost is 50–60% of the new carbon cost.

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  2. Mukhin V. M., Klushin V. N. [Production and use of carbon adsorbents]. – Moscow: RCTU, 2012. (In Russian).
  3. [Sampler catalogue]. URL http://www.eijkelkamp.com. (In Russian).
  4. Smirnov A. D. [Adsorption technology of water treatment]. – St. Petersburg: Khimiia, 1982. (In Russian).

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