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UDC 628.3

Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich

Advanced engineering and experience of BAT implementation


The use of the Information-Technical Guidebook on the best available techniques «Wastewater treatment in public wastewater disposal systems of communities, urban districts» (ITS 10-2015) provides for only a general idea of the catalogue of technologies that have to be applied in order to ensure high efficiency of wastewater treatment. The choice and substantiation of a particular technology are carried out on the basis of the operation experience and comprehensive project engineering. Case studies of using «MY Technologies» that are ready-made technical solutions of mechanical («MY MET») and biological («MY BIO») wastewater treatment for the wastewater treatment facilities in Sochi, Vologda, Kolomna are presented.

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  1. Informatsionno-tekhnicheskii spravochnik po nailuchshim dostupnym tekhnologiiam. Ochistka stochnykh vod s ispol’zovaniem tsentralizovannykh sistem vodootvedeniia poselenii, gorodskikh okrugov [Informative-Technical Reference Book on the Best Available Techniques. Wastewater treatment in public wastewater disposal systems of communities, urban districts. Moscow, Biuro NDT Publ., 2015, 377 p.].
  2. Perechen’ rybokhoziaistvennykh normativov: predel’no dopustimykh kontsentratsii (PDK) i orientirovochno bezopasnykh urovnei vozdeistviia (OBUV) vrednykh veshchestv dlia vody vodnykh ob”ektov, imeiushchikh rybokhoziaistvennoe znachenie [Catalogue of fi­shery water regulations: maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and approximately safe impact levels of hazardous substances for water bodies of commercial fishing importance. Moscow, VNIRO Publ., 1999].
  3. Meshengisser Iu. M., Shchetinin A. I., Malbiev B. Iu., Esin M. A., Vavilov O. Iu., Kir’iakov N. V., Rozanov O. A., Bykov E. V. [Upgrade and reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities of the RAS Research Centre in Chernogolovka]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2007, no. 11, pp. 43–47. (In Russian).
  4. Danilovich D. A. [The experience of technologic audit on the basis of a business reference book on BAT (through the example of the upgraded wastewater treatment facilities «Zaostrov’e»)]. NDT, 2017, no. 3, pp. 12–25. (In Russian).

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