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Kofman V. Ya.

Water crisis in Flint, Michigan, USA (2014–2015)


The city of Flint (Michigan, USA) was supplied with drinking water under the contract from Detroit. In 2014 for reasons of economy it was decided to provide for the temporary drinking water supply by rehabilitating the old water treatment plant that abstracted water from the local Flint River. Laboratory studies of the Flint River water were carried out; however, the corrosiveness index either was not determined or ignored; as a result orthophosphate corrosion inhibitor was not dosed into the water. In the municipal water distribution system and many houses up to now lead pipes and lead-containing fittings have been used. Under the circumstances the concentration of lead in water increased sharply. The existing municipal water quality monitoring system and sampling practice were focused mainly on concealing the low water quality. Numerous complaints of the residents, manifestation of exanthematous disease after using hot water, elevated lead concentrations in children’s blood led to announcing the emergency situation in the city and taking measures to investigate on the federal level the true situation with water contamination with lead.

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  1. Hanna-Arisha M., LaChance J., Sadler R. C., et al. Elevated lead blood levels in children associated with the Flint drinking water crises: A spatial analyses of risk and public health response. American Journal of Public Health, 2016, v. 106, № 2, pp. 283–290.
  2. Pieper K. J., Tang M., Edwards M. A. Flint water crisis caused by interrupted corrosion control: Investigating «Ground Zero» Home. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, v. 51, рр. 2007–2014.
  3. Goovaerts P. Monitoring the aftermath of Flint drinking water contamination crisis: Another case of sampling bias? Science of the Total Environment, 2017, v. 590–591, pp. 139–153.
  4. Goovaerts P. The drinking water contamination crisis in Flint: modelling temporal trends of lead level since returning to Detroit water system. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, v. 581–582, pp. 66–79.
  5. Allen J. M., Cuthbertson A. A., Liberatore H. K., et al. Showering in Flint, MI: Is there a DBP problem? Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, v. 58, pp. 271–284.

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