


bbk 000000

UDC 631.67:628.165

Kofman V. Ya.

The use of desalinated water for the needs of irrigation (review)


In quite a few foreign countries that suffer from water scarcity (Spain, Israel, Australia, Cyprus, OAE, Chile, China) and that are located in the regions with arid climate noticeable success has been reached or major developments in the field of using desalinated sea or underground water for irrigation have been initiated. The main technologies of water desalination for agricultural needs are reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electrodialysis. The factors that are constraining at this time large-scale deployment of desalinated water in irrigation practice include the high cost of desalination; the need of placing desalination plants close to agricultural fields; discharge of toxic concentrate from desalination process; the need of ensuring safety and remineralization of desalinated water. Quite a few research works in this field have been dedicated to the improvement of the energy efficiency of desalination, development of the improved irrigation schemes and selection of arable crops that could be irrigated with desalinated water with the highest economic benefit. Anyhow the steady increase of investments into the given field in foreign countries indicates that desalinated water can be definitely adapted for agricultural needs.

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